A Word about Covid-19

At the Super Sonic Road Race School, we are committed to protecting the health and safety of our team members and guests. We follow and enforce all stipulated government regulations and health guidelines regarding Covid-19. It is everyone's responsibility to follow the protocols associated with preventing the spread of this disease.

What is the Refund Policy?

Refund options for school courses expire within 14 days of your event. You are locked in 0-14 days before your booked event. When you are 15+ days away from your event please see the Change Options in our Cancellation Policy (below).

Facility Policy

  • We love pets, but please leave your pet at home, they are not allowed within the facility.

  • For security, lock all your valuables in your car – we will not be responsible for anything lost or stolen.

  • No one is allowed on the track other than Super Sonic Staff and students fully geared up under the direction of an instructor.

  • Parent(s) or guardian(s) of a minor aged student are to remain on site and must sign the waivers and adhere to our policies outlined in Pets, Parents and Fans clause (below).

  • Smoking in designated areas only as directed by the track facilities.

Pets, Parents and Fans

We love them all but for school courses please leave pets and extra spectators at home. Pets and spectators are prohibited during our courses, no exception. Our instructors have a lot to cover and need your full attention. After your event, when you get home, you will have a link to photos and videos of the day that you can share with your friends and family.

We ask that parents and guardians of minors must sign all the waivers and stay until the school course ends.  We have a designated viewing spot for you to watch all the action. It’s best if you disengage with your child until the school sessions are over so that they are fully engaged with the instructor the whole time. For your child to fully enjoy everything the course has to offer and for you to get your money’s worth please sit back relax and let us do our job.

Cancellation Policy

Thank you for booking with us, please be advised we ride rain or shine, school courses will not be cancelled due to inclement weather.

15 + days Change Options:

To make a cancellation, transfer, or re-scheduling request it must be received in writing or by electronic mail at least 15 days prior to your scheduled course date. Please note there will be a $50 administration fee to make any of these changes. Please see Cancellation Form (below).

0-14 days Locked In:

Once we are 14 days prior to your event date you are locked in and we will have everything prepared in advance for your day - Your booking is now non-refundable, non-transferable and cannot be re-scheduled. If it is a health matter, we will require a doctor’s note before any flexibility will be considered.

Cancellation Request Form**

All requests to be emailed to toni@supersonicroadraceschool.com and inform Toni by phone as well at 416-629-8989

Please include the following in your email:

Today’s Date: _______________________

Your Booked Course Date: ___________________

Your Name: _________________________

There are 15+ Days to my booked date and

I am requesting a CANCELLATION and a refund ____ minus $50 administration fee

I am requesting a TRANSFER to another person ____ plus $50 administration fee (Course Levels .05 to .10 plus membership for your replacement person)

I am requesting a RE-SCHEDULE to a new date ____ plus $50 administration fee, NEW DATE REQUESTED:______________________

**Please allow a week for processing



CANCELLATION – cancel your booking and request refund.

TRANSFER – change your booking to another person.

RE-SCHEDULE - change your booking date to another date.